Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Retail and Woe is Me with a little bit of Life is Good

Oh Lord!
It's time to look for jobs! Still! So, while, yes, I do realize how odd that sentence is, I need you to realize how serious I am. Job hunting is bad.

I really just want to draw and write comics, maybe write a movie? But I'm having trouble on those fronts. And I need money. I've applied to every teaching position in two counties, and I'm about a week away from taking my "test" for "area of expertise." Although any of you who know me, know that I have no expertise in anything that isn't eating and or competitive. Possibly competitive eating.

I was in Gainesville this weekend, and to understate it, it was incredibly fun. We had fully intended to go to the Itchylackasomething River, but on the one day we were all able to go, we were all close to death until around 2PM. And then it rained. And while you would think that raining literally every day during our trip was a bad thing, it basically allowed us to sleep off the night before, before moving into the night after. So it worked out well.

I met quite a few people, loved all of them, and got to see a Batman cartoon movie that mad me love Batman even more than I did before. And I'll explain why in two sentences. Any man wise enough to make Neil Patrick Harris his sidekick is a badass, a man of pure badassery. And Batman jumps through a car. (I understand this makes it three sentences, and run on's at that, but, yes, through a car!)

My buddy Nick got his dream job this week, and congrats to him, a young man making six figures now, but I suppose a congrats may be in order for the rest of us, who through being his friend for close to two decades, now have guaranteed jobs working for him. Now it's the choice of "to Retail or not to Retail?" I think I may have to just not choose, and stick to retail. Just with someone I like, with a different color shirt. By the beach. Like whoa.

It is, sadly, time for me to work on a comic a bit, and then work on "work" for a bit. I might go super nerd next blog (possibly tonight, possibly tomorrow?) and write about StarCraft II. So. Yeah. That could happen.


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