Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pledge and Stuff *I like "and Stuff" to be in my Titles*

Apparently I can make my blog look way cooler and do all types of snappy and snazzy things to make you want to read it more. Sadly, I'm only driven to a point, and by the time I'm ready to work on my blog, that point has long since passed. I'd prefer that writing out thoughts not ever seem like work. I'd rather writing never seem like work. But when you get into the brutal business of rewriting and editing, well, that stuff definitely qualifies as work.

So, let's see what happened recently. I don't want to get into the negative because, well, they're silly and sad and who wants to dwell on them. So let's go positive...I didn't use Pledge(the dust remover lemony stuff...) as shaving cream. And I only just didn't. Imagine my surprise with the new lemony smell, and liquid white foam style of my shaving cream, when just the other morning it was a blue gel. It was early and I didn't quite understand what was happening so I decided that this problem, like most problems, could be solved by a good old fashioned shaking. But no. My shaving cream was still coming as a white lemony foam. And now my hand was starting to feel...I want to call it oily, but looking back, I suppose you would call it "finished." Before I could just shrug and go to town and begin shaving, I actually looked at the bottle. Imagine my surprise. Especially since not only do I not buy Pledge, I very rarely dust. I know, I know, tidiness habits are the most important habits...or something.

I got a few random facebook posts from my buddy Alex, who, everyone put out some positive thoughts / energy / prayers, is in Afghanistan doing his thang. For the first time in weeks I was actually truly inspired to start working on my comic again. I've had a two-fold problem of not having Nathan around to do my art, and being a talentless hack, when it comes to drawing. Well, I hope only when it comes to drawing. I'm sure many other people would have many other things to say about my talentlessness. Yeah. Talentlessness. Take that Webster's. I'm sick of your damn rules.

Back on point, Logic Fails is back up and running, it's just a matter of finishing (starting) a design and finishing (starting) a few comics. They need to be all digital and pretty. And so far all I can handle is the digital part of that sentence. And that just barely. I get as far as "double click the PhotoShop" icon before I get confused, so I figure that puts me a leg up on all the people who don't own a copy of PhotoShop.

I finally got a few interviews for High School teaching, which, is amazing, despite almost everyone that knows me saying "They let you around kids?" Har har. You all suck. Continued, I got my first interview and I think it went reasonably well, the only downside being that I don't yet have my temporary certificate. This being a downside because obtaining the damn thing is a job for someone with a genius IQ and a plethora of patience with red tape and pointless bureaucracy. There are over 15 questions about criminal background, and yet not one place can you click "have never had a problem with the Law." I don't even have a speeding ticket, and while some of you may say that makes me "less fun." I'd retort that with "all my fun friends drive." So there.

If I don't get on of these positions in the school system I've decided on three, or however many ideas hit me in the next few minutes, lanes of attack... (paths to tread, roads to drive, chairs to sit and sidewalks to walk on...) A) The oldy but goody, becoming a fisherman on an island. It just never fails to interest me. B) Comics and writing. That's right, go the route of the starving artist. C) Move to Daytona and beg Nick to hire me on as a Best Buy something.

I know there are more viable options, like working on my scripts and trying to get one sold, or get myself accepted to film/screenwriting school, or working on a short story and doing the same for writing school. But who wants more education? (Me.) I'd rather get paid. (Or get more education, it seems like that could pay off...but then what, oh what would I do with the rest of this year? I take you back to examples A, B and C.)

Okay, enough rambling, that's it for today.

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