Saturday, June 16, 2012

Forcing Her Hand...In Marriage

There are a veritable slew of these things going around on Youtube now. It's not just this guy, but also one in Seattle, one in Washington, one in a mall...the list goes on.


I'm completely torn on the issue. 

I'm a Hopeless Romantic so I really do hope, with all my bleeding heart, that this couple (these couples) do, in fact, get married. And then remain married for a hundred years. If not a thousand.

However, (of course there's a 'however') this is essentially forcing her to say yes. What type of person wants to be hated so much, to put so many people in such a weird place, as to say "no" in front of a thousand people? It's like asking her to marry you at a professional sporting event. She's going to say yes. There's like a one in one hundred chance she says no, or runs away, or whatever it is. More likely, she'll say yes, even if she doesn't mean it, and then in the car on the way home say something like "Yeah, sorry about earlier but...this isn't working out." 

But, is that her fault? What kind of person puts her in that kind of position? 

A smart, possibly conniving man who believes he can hold the situation together until there's a ring on that finger.

Oh, and also, thanks for one-upping every guy ever. It's pretty much Flashmob or Die now, and you know what? That sucks.

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