Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm Going to Miss the Green Beer

I'd like to say that my past few days have been fun, but (and isn't there always a 'but?') they haven't been. I worked everyday this week (surprisingly exciting in the current climate) and injured my knee playing basketball (again, and again 'surprise.') All that really means is I can't go out on St. Patty's day, which may or may not be the worst thing ever. If I just go to sleep it won't be a "thing," however if I stay up reading all the inevitable drunk "I'm now here" facebook posts for the rest of the night, I may want to kill myself by midnight--or all of the people posting said posts. With their damn smartphones in one hand and their beautiful green beers in the other.

Depression always gets more severe when people inadvertently rub their stupid happiness in your face. My neighbor, bless her heart, invited me to the beach (with her hot friend--of !@#$ing course) as soon as I got into my car to go to work. My friend met these three smokin' hot girls that are into...stuff (yeah, we'll go with stuff)...just as soon as I got into a relationship. ROBIN RETIRES AND BATMAN IS IN THE MARKET FOR A NEW ROBIN, NO, IT'S COOL BATS, I JUST STARTED WORKING FOR THE GREEN ARROW, THE GREEN !@#$ING ARROW...(For those non-comic lovers among you who read my blog, the Green Arrow pretty much sucks, he's like the shiny green opposite of the Dark Gothic Badass that is Batman.)

I think you see where I'm going with this. I'm upset that I'm not Robin (you may see this is an awkward thing, that is to say: not wanting to be Batman, but rather his sidekick. I don't know if you know this but, Batman is barely mortal, he sleeps like two hours a day (yeah, not happening) and has collected more scars than Jay Leno has collected motorcycles (and chin surgeries--that thing can't possible be real.) His job kind of sucks. But Robin? Occasional kick-asser take-namer, gets his own sweet ride, a room in the manor, and access to a massive fortune, yeah, sign me up.)

My mother, taking pity on my gimpiness decided that today would be a good day to go see Battle: Los Angeles. Or as I like to call it Independence Day 2: Lose the Airforce, THROW IN THE MARINES, HOOAH. it's a long tagline, I know. I'm not going to deny it's awesomeness--or really break down the movie for anyone (just in case)but, come on. We all knew what was going to happen. I'm especially pissed with the previews. All of the heartbreaking, eye opening scenes were in the previews. Way to let us all know ahead of time who was dying.

Which brings me to my closing point.

Batman should be in Independence Day 2. Come on Will, make this happen for me.

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