Sunday, September 5, 2010

Politics Season is Underway, Let Us Begin.

Oh, joy! It's "Politics Season" again. My favorite time of the year! (To be honest, I wasn't really aware that it actually had a season, until I saw the politicians themselves say it.) I guess there's something to be said for a political system where getting voted into office is more like a competition, and less like a ruthless dictator choosing who gets to shoot you in his name. But, in a system that claims freedom and unalienable rights, doesn't it seem a tad off message that the people representing us are consistently in fierce competition to get into office? Lofty lofty offices. With chairs more comfortable then the ones I don't have in my living room?

I'm of the mind that political office shouldn't be something that men and women aspire to, but are rather asked to do. I understand that with the population levels we're dealing with, ("Freaking crowded." Census, 2010.) the day of the "popular vote" is gone. However, does that mean the days of "what the nation needs" are gone too? You would think that the need for jobs, a balanced tax system, free pizza on Tuesdays and google internet,(seriously, instant download speeds?) in every city were desires we all shared, Republican, Democrats, cop-outs (Independents) and awkward third-party partiest alike.

The reality is that we all grew up in the age of televised mudslinging, (Take that high school history, I did learn something.)so we all should be used to it. And at the playground levels (I'm talking to you Congress) I guess it's standard, there's like a thousand of those guys anyway, it's not like they actually do anything. No, my biggest gripe is that the teacher (i.e. the President) always manages to get involved in the recess scuffles. Just because you came from the Democratic party, doesn't mean you should be siding with them in every election across the country. That is not what's best for the nation. That's whats best for his party. And that is not what the President of the United States should be concerned with. He is above that. He is the Commander and Chief, and as such needs to either be completely above it (Out of the sandbox, Chief.) or he needs to back the candidates he actually believes will get the job done the best. (i.e. Free Pizza Tuesdays.) Strictly speaking, this is impossible to do. I understand Obama can't back a Republican candidate, his opposition in the next election would roast him for it, likely they'd roast him for not backing a Democrat. But that's not the point. Integrity is.

And for all of you liberals who think I'm picking on Obama, don't get it twisted. I understand the He Who Must Not Be Named (Bush) was just as bad. For that matter, you could probably stand in front of one of those Presidential walls found in a high school government course blindfolded, spin around five times and play "pin the tail on the President" and still end up with a man who put his party's agenda ahead of the Nation's well being. My argument is simply that it isn't right.

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