Monday, January 15, 2018

Forgetful Coffee Break

Like many UCF graduates, I own a UCF mug. As a preface to this small post that mug has an all-black interior. 

I had just gotten home from the grocery store and hard jamming to Ke$ha and had begun unpacking my loot when I decided I would brew myself a cup of coffee, for an after chore reward. And I know what you're asking, "But Dave, didn't you have a Starbucks while you were out doing said chores?" Well, yes. But I digress.

I absentmindedly set the coffee station to brew a single cup and continued placing bananas in their spot and cheese in it's spot and so on. 

As my work came to its fitful close I pulled out some creamer from the fridge. I've decided not to buy anymore creamer and I'm working on killing the last delicious bottle of the stuff. I've been weening myself off of this sugary treat for awhile so I only place a small amount in the mug. 

The mug turned completely white. I stared in disbelief. When creamer goes bad does it overpower the coffee that strongly? I had seen that the coffee was near the top of the mug! 

I looked at the date on the creamer. Expires in April. 

I stirred the coffee. 

I stood there stirring the coffee and looking at the date and just being generally confused for a moment before deciding to scrub the whole thing and just have a glass of water.

So I go to pull out the filter from the coffee machine and...

I had never put any grounds in. 

1 comment:

  1. For my morning coffee, I set it up the night before (figure I'd be too sleepy in the morning to do it right) and then turn it on when I get up and pour some juice. Invariably, I'll plug the thing in but forget to turn it on and don't discover it until ready to sit down for breakfast. Darn those mental trip-ups. Fun blog.
