Friday, December 12, 2014

My Dog's War on Christmas has Come to an End (or seems to...)

I had a really special post planned for this week guys.

You see, I'm like every pet owner, that is to say, I think my pets are the best and that they should be relevant in other peoples lives.

My dogs do a lot of funny things. The small one can't handle the wind so she turns tight circles and cries every time it gusts. The bigger one doesn't chew his food and apparently is not subject to the general laws of nature...he poops more than he eats, which if it weren't so gross, would be fascinating.

The larger one has spent the past two Christmases at war on a specific decoration or general thing. The first year I was with my wife he ate ALL of the fake cranberries. All of them. He would sneak down at night to get at them. Then he would poop bleached fake cranberries the next day. Like you and I would with corn. It was hilarious, and a little sad. I'll never forget his face.

The next year he ate the vast majority of the tags we had placed on presents. It took us awhile to figure out whose gift was who, but it we tried to re-tag said gift, the new tag would also find it's way into his gullet. He was a determined young dog, he wasn't going to let the Man keep him down.

This Christmas he began by consistently eyeing the lining we have on our TV stand. He places his entire snout in our Christmas tree. He nuzzles with our Santa Clause and paws at the bells on the throw pillows. And does nothing. Nothing with any of it. A year of build up, a blog in the works and he's grown up and isn't fun anymore.

I should be happy that my stuff isn't getting chewed up and thrown out. In a way I think we got used to it. It was such an easy way to get rid of the old and make room for the new. A guilt-free way. We secretly enjoyed buying new decorations and having stories to tell.

Oh well, new decorations can wait for a new house.

Or a new puppy.

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